Privacy Policy

Last updated October 08, 2023

Our privacy notice, applicable to ("we," "us," or "our"), outlines the processes of collecting, storing, utilizing, and/or sharing ("processing") your information while utilizing our services ("Services"). This includes interactions like visiting our website at or engaging in other related activities such as sales, marketing, or events.

Any inquiries or apprehensions? Familiarizing yourself with this privacy notice will elucidate your privacy rights and options. Should you disagree with our policies and practices, we kindly advise refraining from using our Services. For any further questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at


Our summary encapsulates vital aspects of our privacy notice. Delve into more details about each topic by clicking on the link accompanying each key point or by navigating through our privacy notice. Or use our table of contents below to find the section you are looking for.

What types of personal information do we handle? When you engage with our Services by visiting, using, or navigating them, we may process personal information based on your interactions with us and the Services, the choices you make, and the specific products and features you utilize. Learn more about personal information you disclose to us.

  1. Are sensitive personal details handled by us? No, we do not handle any sensitive personal information.

  2. Do we obtain any data from external sources? No, we do not receive any data from third-party sources.

  3. What's our approach to handling your data? We handle your data to deliver, enhance, and manage our Services, as well as to communicate with you, ensure security and prevent fraud, and abide by legal requirements. Additionally, we may process your data for other purposes, provided we have your consent and a legitimate legal basis to do so. Learn more about how we process your information.

In what situations and with which parties do we share personal information? We may share information in specific situations and with specific third parties. Learn more about when and with whom we share your personal information.
Ensuring the safety of your information is paramount to us. We've implemented rigorous organizational and technical measures to safeguard your personal data. However, it's essential to acknowledge that no electronic transmission or storage technology is entirely foolproof. Despite our best efforts, we cannot offer a 100% guarantee against unauthorized access or breaches by hackers, cybercriminals, or other malicious entities. We remain vigilant and committed to continuously enhancing our security protocols to mitigate risks and protect your information to the fullest extent possible. Learn more about how we keep your information safe.
What are your rights? Depending on where you are located geographically, the applicable privacy law may mean you have certain rights regarding your personal information. Learn more about your privacy rights.
How do you exercise your rights? The easiest way to exercise your rights is by data subject access request, or by contacting us. We will consider and act upon any request in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
Want to learn more about what we do with any information we collect? Review the privacy notice in full.




**Personal Information Provided by You:**

In essence, we collect personal details you willingly share with us.

When you engage with our Services, whether by registering, expressing interest in our offerings, participating in activities, or reaching out to us, we gather personal information you choose to disclose.

This may encompass:

- Names
- Phone numbers
- Email addresses
- Mailing addresses
- Billing addresses

We do not handle sensitive information.

For transactions, we may gather payment data necessary for processing, including payment instrument numbers and associated security codes. Any payment data is securely stored. You can find further details in our payment processor's privacy notice.

It's vital that any personal information you provide is accurate and up-to-date. Please inform us of any changes promptly.

**Automatically Collected Information:**

In brief, certain data, such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address and device characteristics, is collected automatically when you access our Services.

During your interaction with our Services, we automatically gather information vital for maintaining security and operational efficiency, as well as for internal analytics and reporting purposes. This information does not directly identify you but may include:

- Log and Usage Data: Service-related, diagnostic, usage, and performance data automatically collected by our servers, recorded in log files. This may include your IP address, device details, browser type and settings, as well as activity within the Services.
- Device Data: Information about the device you use to access our Services, such as IP address, device identification numbers, location, browser type, and system configuration.
- Location Data: Information regarding your device's location, which may vary in precision. The extent of data collection depends on your device type and settings. While you can opt out of location data collection, doing so may limit certain Service functionalities.

Additionally, like many other businesses, we employ cookies and similar technologies for data collection purposes.


Simply put, we use your information to deliver, enhance, and oversee our Services, engage with you, ensure security, and adhere to legal requirements. Additionally, we may process your information for other purposes with your consent.

We manage your personal information for various reasons, depending on your interaction with our Services, including:
  • Account Management: We process your data to facilitate account creation, authentication, and overall management of user accounts. This includes enabling you to create and log in to your account and maintaining its functionality.
  • Administrative Communication: Your information may be processed to send you administrative details about our products, services, and any updates to our terms and policies.
  • Order Fulfillment: We handle your information to fulfill and manage your orders, payments, returns, and exchanges made through our Services.
  •  Feedback Requests: When necessary, we process your information to request feedback and to communicate with you regarding your use of our Services.
  • Marketing Communications: We may process the personal information you provide to us for marketing purposes, as per your preferences. You have the option to opt out of our marketing emails at any time.. For more information, see "WHAT ARE YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS?" below.
  • To post testimonials. We post testimonials on our Services that may contain personal information.



In brief: We only handle your personal data when we deem it necessary and have a valid legal justification under relevant laws. This may include obtaining your consent, adhering to legal obligations, providing services, fulfilling contractual agreements, safeguarding your rights, or pursuing legitimate business interests.

For individuals in Canada, this section pertains to you.

Your information may be processed if you've explicitly granted us permission (express consent) to utilize your personal data for a specific purpose. Alternatively, in scenarios where consent can be reasonably inferred (implied consent), we may also process your information. You can 
withdraw your consent at any time.   In certain exceptional circumstances, we may have legal authorization, as per applicable law, to process your information without obtaining your consent. These circumstances may include, but are not limited to:

  • Instances where collecting the information is evidently in the best interests of an individual, and obtaining consent is not feasible within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Cases involving investigations, fraud detection, and prevention.
  • Business transactions, provided specific conditions are met.
  • Situations where the information is contained in a witness statement and is essential for assessing, processing, or resolving an insurance claim.
  • Identification of injured, ill, or deceased individuals and communication with their next of kin.
  • Instances where there are reasonable grounds to believe an individual has been, is, or may become a victim of financial abuse.
  • When it's deemed reasonable to collect and utilize information without consent to ensure its availability and accuracy, particularly for investigating breaches of agreements or contraventions of Canadian laws or provincial regulations.
  • Disclosure mandated by a subpoena, warrant, court order, or court rules related to record production.
  • Information produced by an individual during their employment, business, or professional activities, provided that the collection aligns with the original purposes of the information.
  • Collection solely for journalistic, artistic, or literary purposes.
  • Publicly available information specified by regulations.


    In brief: We may disclose information in particular circumstances outlined in this segment and/or with the subsequent third parties. We might find it necessary to share your personal information in the following scenarios: Business Transfers: Your information may be shared or transferred during discussions concerning any merger, sale of company assets, financing, or acquisition involving our business.


    We might utilize cookies and similar tracking technologies to gather and retain your information. We may employ cookies and comparable tracking technologies (such as web beacons and pixels) for accessing or storing information. Detailed information regarding our utilization of such technologies and how you can opt out of specific cookies is outlined in our Cookie Notice.



    We keep your information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy notice unless otherwise required by law. We will only keep your personal information for as long as it is necessary for the purposes set out in this privacy notice, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law (such as tax, accounting, or other legal requirements). No purpose in this notice will require us keeping your personal information for longer than the period of time in which users have an account with us. When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal information, we will either delete or anonymize such information, or, if this is not possible (for example, because your personal information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible.    



    In Brief: We prioritize the security of your personal data through a comprehensive system of organizational and technical measures. We've implemented robust technical and organizational security measures aimed at safeguarding the personal information we handle. Despite our diligent efforts, it's important to note that no method of electronic transmission or data storage technology can guarantee absolute security. Therefore, we cannot assure you that hackers, cybercriminals, or unauthorized third parties won't breach our security measures to access, steal, or modify your information. While we strive to protect your personal data, the transmission of such data to and from our Services is undertaken at your own risk. It's advisable to access our Services only within a secure environment.  



    In Brief: We do not knowingly collect or market to individuals under the age of 18. We neither knowingly solicit nor market to individuals under the age of 18. By utilizing our Services, you affirm that you are at least 18 years old, or you are the parent or guardian of a minor and consent to their use of our Services. Should we become aware of personal information collected from individuals under 18, we will promptly deactivate the associated account and take necessary steps to delete such data from our records. If you have information concerning data collected from minors under 18, please contact us at  



    In Brief: In certain jurisdictions, such as Canada, you have rights enabling you to access and manage your personal data. You can review, modify, or terminate your account at any time. Certain regions, like Canada, afford specific rights under applicable data protection laws. These rights may include:

    • Requesting access to and obtaining a copy of your personal information
    • Requesting rectification or erasure of your data
    • Restricting processing of your data
    • Exercising data portability rights, if applicable
    • Objecting to the processing of your personal information under certain circumstances

    To exercise these rights or for further inquiries, please contact us using the provided contact details in the "HOW CAN YOU CONTACT US ABOUT THIS NOTICE?" below. We'll address and execute your requests in accordance with relevant data protection laws. Withdrawing Consent: If we rely on your consent for personal data processing, you retain the right to withdraw it at any time. This action won't affect prior lawful processing or processing based on alternative legal grounds. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us by using the contact details provided in the section "HOW CAN YOU CONTACT US ABOUT THIS NOTICE?" below. However, please note that this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing before its withdrawal nor, when applicable law allows, will it affect the processing of your personal information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent. Opting Out of Marketing Communications: You can unsubscribe from marketing communications via the provided links or by contacting us. Despite unsubscribing from marketing materials, we may still send essential service-related messages. Account Management: To review, amend, or terminate your account, access your account settings. Upon account termination, we'll deactivate or delete your account while retaining certain information as necessary per legal obligations. Cookies and Similar Technologies: Most web browsers accept cookies by default, but you can modify your settings to reject them. However, note that this may impact certain Service features. If you have inquiries regarding your privacy rights, feel free to reach us at  



    Many web browsers, along with certain mobile operating systems and mobile applications, offer a Do-Not-Track ("DNT") feature or setting. This allows you to indicate your preference for privacy by opting out of having your online browsing activities monitored and collected. However, it's important to note that there is currently no universally accepted technology standard for recognizing and implementing DNT signals. Given this absence of a standardized approach, we presently do not acknowledge DNT browser signals or any other mechanism that automatically communicates your decision to avoid online tracking. Should a standard for online tracking emerge that we are required to adhere to in the future, we will notify you of this practice through an updated version of this privacy notice.


    In summary: Residents of California, Colorado, or Virginia are entitled to specific rights regarding their personal information.

    What types of personal information do we collect?

    Over the past twelve (12) months, we have gathered personal information in the following categories:

    Category Examples Collected
    A. Identifiers
    Includes contact details like real name, alias, postal address, telephone or mobile contact number, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol (IP) address, email address, and account name. NO

    B. Personal information under the California Customer Records statute
    Covering name, contact details, education, employment, employment history, and financial information. NO

    C. Protected classification characteristics under state or federal law
    Such as gender and date of birth. NO
    D. Commercial information
    Involving transaction details, purchase history, financial specifics, and payment data. NO

    E. Biometric information
    Including fingerprints and voiceprints. NO

    F. Internet or similar network activity
    Encompassing browsing and search history, online behavior, interest data, and interactions with our and other websites, applications, systems, and advertisements. NO
    G. Geolocation data: Referring to device location. NO
    H. Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information
    Involving images, audio, video, or call recordings created in connection with our business activities. NO
    I. Professional or employment-related information
    Comprising business contact details for providing Services at a business level, job title, work history, and professional qualifications if applying for a job with us
    J. Education Information
    Including student records and directory information. NO
    K. Inferences drawn from collected personal information
    Derived from the aforementioned personal information to create a profile or summary regarding individual preferences etc. NO

    L. Sensitive personal Information. NO
    We will utilize and maintain the gathered personal data as necessary to deliver the Services or for: Category B - Furthermore, we may acquire additional personal data beyond these classifications when you engage with us physically, digitally, or via telephone or mail in the following scenarios: Seeking assistance via our customer support channels; Participating in customer surveys or contests; and Contributing to the provision of our Services and addressing your queries. Learn about how we use your personal information in the section, "HOW DO WE PROCESS YOUR INFORMATION?"  

    Will your information be shared with anyone else? We might share the data you provide voluntarily with our service providers under written agreements between us and each provider. Explore further details on how we disclose personal information in the section, "WHEN AND WITH WHOM DO WE SHARE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION?" Your personal information may be utilized for our internal business needs, including conducting internal research for technological advancement and demonstration purposes. Please note that this usage does not constitute the "selling" of your personal information. Within the past twelve (12) months, we have neither disclosed, sold, nor shared any personal information with third parties for business or commercial purposes. Rest assured, we have no intentions of selling or sharing personal information belonging to website visitors, users, or any other consumers in the future.   California Residents Under the California Civil Code Section 1798.83, also referred to as the "Shine The Light" law, California residents who are our users have the right to request and receive, once a year and at no cost, information regarding categories of personal information (if any) that we have disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purposes, as well as the names and addresses of all third parties with whom we have shared personal information during the previous calendar year. If you are a California resident and wish to make such a request, please send a written request to the contact information provided below. Additionally, if you are under the age of 18, reside in California, and have a registered account with our Services, you have the right to request the removal of any unwanted data that you have publicly posted on our platform. To request the removal of your data, please contact us using the provided contact information and include the email address associated with your account, along with a statement confirming your California residency. We will ensure that the data is no longer publicly displayed on our Services; however, please note that the data may not be entirely removed from all our systems (e.g., backups, etc.).   CCPA Privacy Notice This section pertains exclusively to residents of California. According to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), you are entitled to the following rights. As per the California Code of Regulations, a "resident" is defined as:

    1. Any individual present in the State of California for reasons other than temporary or transitory.
    2. Any individual who is domiciled in the State of California but is temporarily outside the state for transitory purposes.

    Individuals who do not fall under these criteria are categorized as "non-residents." If you meet the definition of a "resident," certain rights and responsibilities concerning your personal information must be upheld by us. Your rights with respect to your personal data Request for Deletion of Data

    You have the right to request the deletion of your personal information. Upon receiving such a request, we will honor it, with exceptions mandated by law. These exceptions may include instances where another consumer exercises their right to free speech, our legal obligations, or activities necessary to safeguard against unlawful conduct.

    Request for Information

    Under certain circumstances, you have the right to know:

    - Whether we collect and utilize your personal information
    - The categories of personal information collected
    - The purposes for which this information is used
    - Whether we sell or share personal information with third parties
    - The categories of personal information sold, shared, or disclosed for business purposes
    - The categories of third parties with whom personal information is shared
    - The business purpose behind collecting, selling, or sharing personal information
    - The specific personal information collected about you

    We are not required by law to provide or delete consumer information that has been de-identified, nor are we obligated to re-identify individual data to verify a consumer request.


    We will not discriminate against you for exercising your privacy rights.

    Limitation on Sensitive Personal Information

    We do not process sensitive personal information.

    Verification Process

    Upon receiving your request, we will verify your identity to ensure it matches the information in our system. We may request additional information from you for verification purposes. Any information provided will be used solely for verification and will be promptly deleted upon completion of the process.

    Other Privacy Rights

    You have the right to:

    - Object to the processing of your personal information
    - Request correction of your personal data
    - Request restrictions on the processing of your information
    - Designate an authorized agent to act on your behalf under the CCPA
    - Opt-out of future selling or sharing of your personal information with third parties. We will address opt-out requests within fifteen (15) days of submission.   To exercise these rights, you can contact us by submitting a data subject access request, by email via, or by calling toll-free at 877 773 1743, or by visiting  Colorado Residents This section pertains specifically to residents of Colorado. According to the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA), you possess the following rights. Nonetheless, these rights are not absolute, and there may be instances where we are legally permitted to reject your request.

    - Right to receive information about whether we are processing your personal data.
    - Right to access your personal data.
    - Right to rectify inaccuracies in your personal data.
    - Right to request deletion of your personal data.
    - Right to receive a copy of the personal data you have previously shared with us.
    - Right to opt out of the processing of your personal data if it is utilized for targeted advertising, the sale of personal data, or profiling that leads to significant legal or similar effects ("profiling").

    To initiate a request to exercise these rights, please email [insert email address] or submit a data subject access request.

    In the event that we decline to take action on your request and you wish to contest our decision, please email us at [insert email address]. Within forty-five (45) days of receiving an appeal, we will provide you with written notification of any actions taken or not taken in response to the appeal, along with a written explanation of the reasons for our decisions. Connecticut Residents This section pertains exclusively to residents of Connecticut. As outlined by the Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA), you possess the following rights. It's essential to note that while these rights are significant, they are not absolute, and there may be circumstances where we are unable to fulfill your request in accordance with the law.

    - Right to be informed whether we are processing your personal data
    - Right to access your personal data
    - Right to rectify inaccuracies in your personal data
    - Right to request the deletion of your personal data
    - Right to receive a copy of the personal data you have previously provided to us
    - Right to opt out of the processing of your personal data, particularly concerning targeted advertising, the sale of personal data, or profiling that leads to significant legal or similar consequences. To submit a request to exercise these rights described above, please email or submit a data subject access request. If you disagree with our decision on your request and would like to challenge it, please contact us via email at Upon receiving your appeal, we commit to providing a written response within sixty (60) days. This response will detail any actions taken or not taken, along with a clear explanation of the rationale behind our decisions. Virginia Residents According to the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA):

    - A "Consumer" refers to a natural person residing in the Commonwealth, acting solely within an individual or household capacity, excluding those in commercial or employment contexts.

    - "Personal data" encompasses any information linked or reasonably linkable to an identified or identifiable natural person, excluding de-identified data or publicly available information.

    - The "Sale of personal data" pertains to the exchange of personal data for monetary consideration.

    If you fall under the definition of "consumer," certain rights and obligations concerning your personal data must be adhered to.

    Your rights concerning your personal data include:

    1. The right to be informed whether your personal data is being processed.

    2. The right to access your personal data.

    3. The right to rectify inaccuracies in your personal data.

    4. The right to request deletion of your personal data.

    5. The right to receive a copy of the personal data you previously provided.

    6. The right to opt out of the processing of your personal data for targeted advertising, the sale of personal data, or profiling that leads to legal or similarly significant effects ("profiling").

    To exercise these rights under the Virginia VCDPA, you can contact us via email at or submit a data subject access request.

    If you're utilizing an authorized agent to exercise your rights, we may deny the request without valid proof of authorization.

    Verification Process:

    We may require additional information to verify your identity and your request. If submitted through an authorized agent, further information may be necessary for identity verification.

    Upon receipt of your request, we'll respond promptly, within forty-five (45) days, with the possibility of a single extension of forty-five (45) days if needed. Any extensions will be communicated along with the reason.

    Right to Appeal:

    If we decline your request, we'll provide the rationale behind our decision. Should you wish to appeal, please email us at: Within sixty (60) days of receiving the appeal, we'll inform you in writing if any action was taken or otherwise, alongside the relevant explanations. If the appeal is denied, further recourse is available by contacting the Attorney General to submit a complaint.  


    We commit to updating this notice as required to align with applicable laws.

    Our privacy notice may undergo updates periodically. The revised version will be distinguished by a new "Revised" date and will take effect upon accessibility. Should substantial changes be made, we may inform you through prominent notification postings or direct notifications. We urge you to regularly review this privacy notice to stay informed about how we safeguard your information.


    If you have questions or comments about this notice, you may email us at or contact us by post at:  Biohackers Den 19 8th Street South, S #843, Fargo North Dakota 58103, United States     


    Based on the applicable laws of your country, you may have the right to request access to the personal information we collect from you, change that information, or delete it. To request to review, update, or delete your personal information, please fill out and submit a data subject access request.